Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tackling: Players may be tackled but not struck by a one handed slash of the stick; exceptions are two handed jabs and strikes. Jersey-pulling, wrestling, pushing and tripping are all forbidden. There are several forms of acceptable tackling, the most popular being:
• The block, where one player attempts to smother an opposing player's strike by trapping the ball between his hurl and the opponent's swinging hurl;
• The hook, where a player approaches another player from a rear angle and attempts to catch the opponent's hurl with his own at the top of the swing; and
• The side pull, where two players running together for the sliotar will collide at the shoulders and swing together to win the tackle and "pull" (name given to swing the hurley) with extreme force.
Although many hurling clubs exist worldwide, only Ireland has a national team (although it includes only players from weaker counties in order to ensure matches are competitive). It and the Scotland shinty team have played for many years with modified match rules (as with International Rules Football). The match is the only such international competition. However, competition at club level has been going on around the world since the late nineteenth century thanks to emigration from Ireland, and the strength of the game has ebbed and flowed along with emigration trends. Nowadays, growth in hurling is noted in Britain, North America, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand and South Africa
Teams: Teams consist of fifteen players The panel is made up of 24-30 players and 5
substitutions are allowed per game
Timekeeping: Senior inter-county matches last 70 minutes (35 minutes per half). All other matches last 60 minutes (30 minutes per half). For age groups of under-13 or lower, games may be shortened to 50 minutes. Timekeeping is at the discretion of the referee who adds on stoppage time at the end of each half. If a knockout game finishes in a draw, a replay is played. If a replay finishes in a draw, 20 minutes extra time is played (10 minutes per half). If the game is still tied, another replay is played. In club competitions, replays are increasingly not used due to the fixture backlogs caused. Instead, extra time is played after a draw, and if the game is still level after that it will go to a replay.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Reality TV
Watching so much reality TV shows that we like watching people doing random things which is kinda like normal non-reality TV. So reality TV and non-reality TV aren’t that much different. But reality just beats non-reality TV from my point of view even though they non-reality is awesome. One reason why I like reality better is that WWE is reality and that is one of my favourite shows. Another good reality TV show is “The Biggest Loser” this show has 22 overweight people that try to get on this show where 2 trainers ‘Bob and Jillian’ help them lose weight and help them make better dictions with their eating and their lives. There is also like every show like this a host ‘Allison’ who gives them all these wacky challenges where they can win everything from cars to being able to donate money to charities of your choice. This show doesn’t only help the contestants but people all over the world (they go to food banks, charity events, do five k walks/runs with people to raise awareness, ect... so much stuff to help people get skinny and fit.
There are so many reality TV shows that I can barley chose but I will have to say The Biggest Loser because like I said they are helping people all over the world. Stay tuned for next week.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Juno Awards 2010
Here are some of the Juno award winners because there are so many:
Juno fan choice: Michael Bublé
Single of the year: Michael Bublé Haven’t Meet You Yet
International album of the year: KINGS OF LEON Only By The Night
The list goes on forever some of these artists I didn’t even know were Canadian like “Hedley” and “Down with Webster”. There are a lot of nominees that should have won and a lot that I haven’t heard of. The rest of the winners
Here are some fun facts for you about the Juno awards: 31% of the Juno awards were watched by 1.6 million people on CTV. The 2001 celebrations marked the 30th anniversary of the Juno Awards and the 26th telecast with CBC Television. Well that's the Juno awards in a nut shell.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Game Show
There are a couple reasons why I want to be on this show. The first is that I could prove myself and anyone else that how athletic I am and how I can do stuff that many people can’t. The second reason is that it would kinda be fun to try to go up against the huge Gladiators that could eat you for breakfast. The third is that it’s a game show you get money and prizes why wouldn’t you want to. Most people would think I was crazy if they saw an episode but it looks kinda fun.
Well that’s the game show that I would have chosen over any other game show on earth. My second choose would probably have to be Wipeout but that’s a completely different story well that's it stay tuned for next time.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Bucket List
1. I want to travel to all the best mountains for snow boarding to and to learn new cultures. Two reasons I want to do this first is that I love snowboarding and I want to get better at it the second is that I have already been to countries and seen what they are like and I want to see more of the world.
2. I want to complete a marathon. Most people would say I was crazy but this would show me that I can do stuff if I put my mind to it.
3. I want to ether complete the “Tour De France” or something close to it and again most people would say I was crazy but this would show me that I can do stuff if I put my mind to it.
4. I want to pursue my dream of being a chef. I want to do this because there are so many fast food restaurants and they’re all very unhealthy and if I can make a long chain of healthy restaurants that every body love than less people will be going to the fast food restaurants. This will make this country healthier
Well thats what I want to do before I "kick the bucket" thanks for reading my blog and stay tuned for next weeks.
Monday, February 22, 2010
My Dino Pet
Even though this dino was from about 70 million years ago it would be awesome to have was discovered and named in 1973. Since that time, a total of five individuals have been discovered, giving scientists a pretty good idea of what this animal looked like. Like many other hadrosaurs, Shantungosaurus had a very long, tapering tail, which it would have used to balance itself as it ran, and also as a possible weapon. This animal must have been really fast cause just look at its thighs it’s like I said a BEAST. There are also some down sides to the really big animal it would be really hard to find a step ladder another down side is his huge poo like how am I suppose to pick that up maybe with a garbage bag or something like that... but whatever.
Well the awesomest dino is this one and no one can take that away from me. Something is better than this and it is basketball yea that’s right basketball. Well that’s a Shantungosaurus for you and it’s straight up awesome.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Alex Bilodeau
There are many important things about winning gold on home turf for a first. One this is a big boost for all of the Olympians and a lot of weight of their shoulders this is because they have already won gold for Canada and they won’t have everyone making it harder for them on their back all the time. This winning of the gold means that we have broken a jinx and that we have also won a gold witch everyone wants to have and this was the most intense runs in moguls I have ever seen in the Olympics one of the worst things about this was that Dale Smith of Australia silver medal in men’s moguls at the 2010 winter Olympics games was being such a poor loser. Dale should have been happy to win silver at the Olympics which means he is the second best skier in the world. If I were in this man shoes I would have been freaking out because I won at the Olympics especially something I have been training at for so many years.
There are so many people that try to even make it in to the Olympics but to win would be the most awesome thing ever to have a gold medal from the Olympics. Well there have been many countries competing but there are some that don’t have enough money to even try to compete in the Olympics that could possibly make it in. Well that’s how I think about Alex’s gold.
Monday, February 1, 2010
I could list like 30 reasons but I’ll only list you my top three. First reason I would want to redo this day is because it would change the past four weeks completely one thing that it would change that I would really wanted to is sports I would be boxing, playing basketball, snowboarding, wrestling and even gym. All of these I could be doing but I'm not because I had one little wipe out snowboarding. Second thing it would change would be not having all this pain in my arm if I didn’t have all this pain I could be taking my dog Macy for walks. Last reason is I could help people with most things especially lifting heavy thing like helping my family getting stuff up in to the roof space or getting stuff around the house.
This would be awesome if I could redo it because I wouldn’t need to sit around all day doing nothing but watching T.V, playing on playing on my computer and doing home work. But I guess this happened for a reason or it couldn’t have but it would be awesome but it hasn’t happened and it won’t. Well that’s my redo tune in next time for my next blog.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Mr. Awesome
There are super heroes and super villains... in comic books and movies so this is going to be funny. First my super hero name is Mr. Awesome I'm not like you’re every day super hero I’m a lot better. I can jump 30 feet (9.144 m) high and can lift 200 pounds. I also have no fear at all and isn’t afraid of anyone or anything especially Wyatt, Mike and Greg. I'm really lucky too. But there are some side effects for being so awesome; first of all I’m only 2’2” (the hat makes me look 2’7”) and I eats lucky charms all the time so if I don’t get them I will go tinsy bit insane and by a tinsy bit I mean like crazy person insane. Another side effect is that I buys all these different types of clothes but then the next day they all turn green and have four leaf clovers over them and that’s not all the hats I buy the same thing happens but they turn in to fancy top hats.


Monday, January 18, 2010
I could have chosen any famous person in this world but I chose myself cause why would you want to be any one else cause have you listened to your friends, family, and teachers to be you self. Well think about it. It’s weird how everyone wants to be someone else I’m not saying that god put you on this earth unless you are christen or something like that and you believe in that stuff I I'm fine but try to be yourself. Don’t be some wannabe poser that might think there all that but they aren't.
In all those commercials what say stuff like be who you what to be it’s basically be someone else that you want to be. All those Magazineaholics out there (Cassie) its probably saying to you right now oh you must be warring the new cloths and have the newest hair styles and on and on and on but the truth is you don’t need to you just need to be yourself.
Well it is kinda of an unfair and unrealistic question because it will never happen and no one will be able to be any one else other than them self until scientists figure out how to get in to other peoples body otherwise known as body shifting. So in reality none of this if stuff is usually not true so until then stop asking us that if question. Thank you for your time.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Did You Know?
In the future we will have to make differences to keep the world to getter and not let be destroyed by all this fighting and population and if we don’t who knows what will happen. People always talk about global warming when there are so many other problems but there are also many good things that are going to happen to this world and that are already happening.
So you can’t really tell what the message is saying it could mean any thing.