Friday, April 2, 2010

Bucket List

There are many things I would want to do before I “kick the bucket” but ill only name my top 4.

1. I want to travel to all the best mountains for snow boarding to and to learn new cultures. Two reasons I want to do this first is that I love snowboarding and I want to get better at it the second is that I have already been to countries and seen what they are like and I want to see more of the world.
2. I want to complete a marathon. Most people would say I was crazy but this would show me that I can do stuff if I put my mind to it.
3. I want to ether complete the “Tour De France” or something close to it and again most people would say I was crazy but this would show me that I can do stuff if I put my mind to it.
4. I want to pursue my dream of being a chef. I want to do this because there are so many fast food restaurants and they’re all very unhealthy and if I can make a long chain of healthy restaurants that every body love than less people will be going to the fast food restaurants. This will make this country healthier

Well thats what I want to do before I "kick the bucket" thanks for reading my blog and stay tuned for next weeks.

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