Monday, February 22, 2010

My Dino Pet

Dinosaurs are awesome but there is only one that is the best and that is the Shantungosaurus (shan-TUNG-oh-SORE-us) meaning "Shandong Lizard". This would be the coolest dino pet because it is one of the longest and largest hadrosaurs (large herbivore) ever. This great beast is averaged at about 48 ft. in length this is also cool because you could ride it to school and instead of a honk or a bark it would make an awesome sound this is done by there being a large hole near its nostrils which could be covered by a loose flap and be inflated and therefore make an awesome sound. There are also some cool facts about this beast like all hadrosaurs its beak was toothless, but its jaws were packed with around 1,500 tiny chewing teeth. It had an unusually long tail, presumably to counterbalance the great weight of the body at the animal's hips.
Even though this dino was from about 70 million years ago it would be awesome to have was discovered and named in 1973. Since that time, a total of five individuals have been discovered, giving scientists a pretty good idea of what this animal looked like. Like many other hadrosaurs, Shantungosaurus had a very long, tapering tail, which it would have used to balance itself as it ran, and also as a possible weapon. This animal must have been really fast cause just look at its thighs it’s like I said a BEAST. There are also some down sides to the really big animal it would be really hard to find a step ladder another down side is his huge poo like how am I suppose to pick that up maybe with a garbage bag or something like that... but whatever.
Well the awesomest dino is this one and no one can take that away from me. Something is better than this and it is basketball yea that’s right basketball. Well that’s a Shantungosaurus for you and it’s straight up awesome.

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