For people that think that boxing is all punching and just trying to K.O. some one then you are wrong you have to have skill, conditioning and technique. Usually if you don’t have these you will not want to compete against some one with these attributes. These are some people that do have these attributes are: Rocky Balboa, Muhammad Ali, Floyd “Money” Maywether, Ricky Hatton and many many more. These are some people that most pro's don’t want to fight.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
For people that think that boxing is all punching and just trying to K.O. some one then you are wrong you have to have skill, conditioning and technique. Usually if you don’t have these you will not want to compete against some one with these attributes. These are some people that do have these attributes are: Rocky Balboa, Muhammad Ali, Floyd “Money” Maywether, Ricky Hatton and many many more. These are some people that most pro's don’t want to fight.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
When teams can work together they can complete a task easily without any trouble witch can make teams work like a "well oiled machine". One example of teams are WWE Wrestlers cause they have to comunicate with the ref or there tag team.For the people that arn't in to WWE how about basketball or soccer and even baseball think about it. But when there isn't a "well oiled machene" they will mess up some thing ex. basketball if some one messes up a play like they miss the ball or even the shot that could even happen in soccer or baseball.
So even if you don't like who is on your tem you must try to work to gether and not loose focus on what you are tring to do especaly about the people on your team. I hope you learnd some thing from this about teams.
Small Things
There are many small things in the world but there are some amazing things that no one really thinks about, there is one that I have in mind.
This small thing is that if you look deep down enough you can find those things that you could be interested in like bugs or animas that you are fascinated about. Me I'm all about the animals I just got a dog and it rocks it’s a lot of fun and fascinating to watch it in its element and doing what it wants to. but you have to love that small thing that you see or notice.
So when you notice it and see what you like go for it.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Rocky Balboa Quote

Monday, October 5, 2009
Poverty Reflection
How many people die from hunger each day you ask? Every day, almost 16000 children die from hunger-related causes, which is one child every five seconds. Why dose this happen you ask? No one wants to help, learn, make a difference do you want to do that.
When you want to help people you just think of “oh ill go to a soup kitchen and serve some food. It helps people but if you want to make a huge difference than “GO MAKE A CHANGE”.