Sunday, November 1, 2009


Teams are awesome when you can work together but if you can't, tams will fail and fail hard.

When teams can work together they can complete a task easily without any trouble witch can make teams work like a "well oiled machine". One example of teams are WWE Wrestlers cause they have to comunicate with the ref or there tag team.For the people that arn't in to WWE how about basketball or soccer and even baseball think about it. But when there isn't a "well oiled machene" they will mess up some thing ex. basketball if some one messes up a play like they miss the ball or even the shot that could even happen in soccer or baseball.

So even if you don't like who is on your tem you must try to work to gether and not loose focus on what you are tring to do especaly about the people on your team. I hope you learnd some thing from this about teams.

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